Friday, January 1, 2010

Tramadol Lead Investigator Brain Damage From Pain Killers (tramadol)?

Brain damage from pain killers (tramadol)? - tramadol lead investigator

I was recently diagnosed with mononucleosis and suffered severe sore throat accordingly. I went to my doctor yesterday to talk about pain, and she prescribed me a bottle of pills 50 mg tramadol. I said that I had a very negative reaction to Lortab (hydrocodone), but said that Tramadol is likely to give me the same problem.

So I went home and took a tablet of tramadol for your advice. After an hour and a half, does not seem to affect me, so I have a second tablet (the recipe is 1 to 2 tablets every six hours). After an hour I suddenly felt very tired and dizzy and could hardly hold his head high. My students are exacerbated, and even if I do not shake with fear or hallucinations that I suffered a slight overdose. I got a bad headache for about six hours after the start of the pill. Fortunately, I stayed awake for the next ten hours the symptoms began to fall, I slept at night. Today I woke up without the headache, but I am still asleepand my head is filled with cotton wool. I feel that I can not concentrate and think clearly, and I have all day typing. I also have a feeling of pressure behind the front.

I am concerned about the tramadol what happened to me. After reviewing the testimony online, I read that extremely addictive and can cause seizures and side effects in people who respond poorly to opioids. I have no idea why did not my doctor tell me, dass Do you feel that even mild side effects and dose yesterday, there is a risk that I have permanently damaged the brain while taking 100 mg of tramadol? I weigh about 130 pounds. Is there a minimum that an overdose? Has anyone else had a bad experience with Tramadol?


Peilthet... said...

Yes, I made trammadol and always gives me a headache. The feeling of dizziness and fatigue (I like that feeling) is normal, but the headaches are worse with trammadol. I was the opposite of you, I was taking tramadol, but the headaches were so bad that I do, "said I would rather have the pain in my body that you trammadol of headaches," said amended to hydrocondone. I wouldnt get the biggest headache hydrocodone, but when I'm far from him, I sometimes, but only after taking 3 or 4 days. But now I take Tylenol 3, Tylenol and codeine is. I do not understand the headaches.

But I understand that feeling tramadol brain damage, especially if you have never 100mg and its solid material removed. When I trammadol I took a few months to complete, and weighing 150 pounds I rarely have more than 100 mg taken only after the establishment of a tolerance. 100 mg waaaayyy for the first time. Trammadol shall always occur, sometimes 45 minutesgrooves or longer before you feel something, and sometimes more than 1 hours, then I can understand why he thought it did not work. Tylenol 3 strokes after 10 to 15 minutes, so I think it's better.

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