Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hussy Boy I Have An Indian Ringneck Who Is Happy,healthy,and Very Much Spoilt.Last Week She Flew Away With Wild Birds?

I have an indian ringneck who is happy,healthy,and very much spoilt.Last week she flew away with wild birds? - hussy boy

althou came home after 4 hours, the mask I'm left to wonder whether I get a nest box, because not town.She his future before this procedure is new for me, althou it is likely that they have an Group box.By shes in a cage of night and day shes Kakadu move freely while the house I chooses.Should invest in them now that she is exposed, with boys ,,,,,,


owltyedu... said...

Ringneck no less than boys were also in India. A male of the herd, he would have raised Intica, because their signs and signals of the body, an error occurred.
No ... just cut the wings before it happens again! :)
~ ~ Tyed

may said...

What kind of birds were wild? Birds can not really race mixture.

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